Decompress ABAP source code from table REPOSRC

If you ever wondered, where SAP stores your report source code, you probably came across table REPOSRC – but the source code is stored in a compressed format, so there's no way to get hold of it directly.
I've been trying to figure out, how this compression works for some time now… fortunately, several people dealt with the SAP DIAG protocol recently – which got me off the ground.


The DIAG protocol uses a form of the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression algorithm and a bold attempt confirmed that this is also true for the source code compression.

The code stored in REPOSRC-DATA is actually compressed using the LZH algorithm (Lempel-Ziv plus Huffman coding), which is used by the SAP DB MaxDB database too (thanks to Dennis Yurichev for the idea).

Knowing this, I wrote a decompression tool around a small portion of the MaxDB code, which also takes care of some SAP specialties:

  • The 1st byte of the compressed data seems to be junk (or might have a special meaning !?)
  • The first 2 bytes of the decompressed source are junk, too ?!
  • Lines are terminated with character code 0xFF, which has to be adjusted
  • The 1st, 3rd, 5th … decompressed byte contains NUL (not sure, why !)

The decompressed source code has a fixed line length of 255 characters (blank-padded).


  1. Download this archive (it contains the decompressor tool compiled for Win32 and an ABAP report to dump the binary source code). The source code is available here; you can easily compile it on Linux/BSD/Unix/Windows using the enclosed build script.
  2. To extract the compressed source code from SAP, use the report "ZS_REPOSRC_DOWNLOAD". It reads the DATA field from table REPOSRC for a given report and stores it in a binary file on your workstation.
  3. Decompress the file on the command line.

PS: Works for Kernel 7.x, no guarantee for older releases.
PS 2: The functionality on non-Unicode systems is unknown… I'll check this later.




테이블에 SINGLE 이라는 컬럼이 있을 경우, NW7.4 이젼 버젼에서는 문제 없이 동작했는데

NW7.4에서는 시스템 명령어로 등록되어 에러가 발생함

SELECT burks single from ~~

! 기호를 추가하여 다음과 같이 수정하면 에러가 발생하지 않음

SELECT burks !single from ~~

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SAP Program/ABAP 2017. 6. 8. 10:50




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흔히 LFA1/KNA1 -ADRNR 필드로 ADRC값을 읽은것 같은데,,


데이터가 잘 안들어가 있어서 보니 BUT020-PARTNER   ADDRNUMBER의 ADRC 주소를 읽어야


데이터가 잘 불러와 지는것 같습니다..


물론 더 정확하게 하려면 BAPI_BUPA_ADDRESS_GETDETAIL 바피 펑션으로..


혹시 업무 참고하셔요.. 

'SAP Program > ABAP' 카테고리의 다른 글

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sap online help document  (0) 2017.04.06
XML Viewer  (0) 2017.03.03




 1. RE_ADD_MONTH_TO_DATE MONTHS에 -, + 숫자를 주면 원하는 OLDDATE부터 앞, 뒤 의 월을 계산해준다.
 2. RH_GET_DATE_DAYNAME 입력일자가 월요일부터 몇번째 일자인지입력일자 요일의 이름(MON, TUE 을 return
 3. DATE_COMPUTE_DAY 입력일자가 월요일부터 몇번째 일자인지를 return
 4. DATE_GET_WEEK 입력일자가 해당 년도의 번째 주차인지 return
 5. WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY 입력주차의 월요일을 return해 줍니다.
 6. RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS 입력일자가 속한 월의 마지막 일자를 return
 7. FIMA_DAYS_AND_MONTHS_AND_YEARS from date와 to date를 넘겨주면 그 기간을 일, 월, 년으로 return
 8. END_OF_MONTH_DETERMINE 월의 마지막 일 return
 9. RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL 입력일자에 일,,년을 +,- 해서 일자를 Return
10. DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY 입력일자가 유효한지 Check
11. RH_PM_CONVERT_DATE_TO_MONTH 일자 사이의 월 수 계산
12. GET_WEEK_INFO_BASED_ON_DATE 일자를 입력하면 주차와 해당주차의 월요일과 일요일을 Return
13. 입력일자 중 월 표시를 영문으로 바꿔서 Return
15. CALCULATE_YEAR_BEGIN 입력일자의 1년전 일자 Return
16. MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE 입력일자에 + or – 월을 입력하여 계산된 일자를 Return
17. CONVERT_DATE_TO_INTERNAL 입력일자가 내부적으로 어떻게 저장되는지를 Return
18. HRGPBS_HESA_DATE_FORMAT 입력일자를 사용자 Profile의 날짜 포맷으로 변경한 후 Return

'SAP Program > ABAP' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Windows Temp Directory 가져오기  (0) 2017.04.10
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gva 2000 student 2355

지니꺼 2017. 4. 14. 17:30


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sap online help document  (0) 2017.04.06
XML Viewer  (0) 2017.03.03




SAP Buffers can be reset with below commands :

1.    /$SYNC        - Resets the buffers of the application server
2.    /$CUA          - Resets the CUA buffer of the application server
3.    /$TAB          - Resets the TABLE buffers of the application server
Sql Table buffer clear(Performance Test 등에 활용하면 ...)
4.    /$NAM        - Resets the nametab buffer of the application server
5.    /$DYNP        - Resets the screen buffer of the application server
6.    /$ESM          - Resets the Exp./ Imp. Shared Memory Buffer of the application server
7.    /$PXA          - Resets the Program (PXA) Buffer of the application server.

'SAP Program > ABAP' 카테고리의 다른 글

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   g_print-no_coverpage  = 'X'. 

   g_print-no_print_listinfos =  'X'.  






   is_print = g_print



   이렇게 해주면 됩니다. 


